Privacy Policy
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1. Right to information

In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 dated 13 December, of Protection of Personal Information (Ley Organica de Proteccion de Datos de Caracter Personal) (henceforth referred to as LOPD) Cetronic, SL (hereinafter CETRONIC), owner of the site web (henceforth referred to as CETRONIC), owner of the web site (henceforth referred to as the web site), hereby informs the user of this site of the existence of an automated data file containing personal information created by CETRONIC and under CETRONIC's responsibility.

2. Purpose

The Data from users registered through the forms furnished to this effect on the web site is gathered by CETRONIC with the purpose of enabling the provision of services that CETRONIC offers through the said web site, of giving information regarding the status of orders and of enabling the shipment of purchases made online.

3. Required or optional characteristics of the information provided by the user and the truthfulness of the information

The user guarantees that the personal information provided to CETRONIC son true and accepts the responsibility to communicate to CETRONIC any modification of this information.

4. User Consent

he sending of personal information via the use of electronic forms, or in other cases, email messages, implies the express consent of the sender to the automated handling of the information included in the abovementioned communications. The access and handling of the requested information is directed only towards the handling of sales, and always remains within the framework of the current legislation.

5. Access rights, rectification, opposition and cancellation by users

The user can exercise his rights to the access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of the treatment of his personal information, under the terms and conditions established in the LOPD. He can exercise these rights by addressing CETRONIC S.L., C/ Palomar 22 Bajo 15004 A Coruña, Spain.

6. Security

CETRONIC maintains the levels of security and protection of personal information in accordance to the Royal Decree 994/1999, dated 11 June, pertaining to the measures of security for automated files that contain personal date, and has put in place all of the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, non-authorized access and theft of the information that the user provides through the web site, and informs the user without prejudice to the preceding that no Internet security measures are impenetrable. CETRONIC is committed to honoring the need for secrecy and confidentiality with respect to the personal information contained in the automated file in accordance with the applicable legislation, as well as to granting them a secure treatment during any data transfers that might occur.

7. Information concerning cookies and spamming techniques

The user consents to the use of cookies, which by no means allow the user to be identified, with the sole purpose of enabling the user's navigation on the various pages of the present web site and which by no means allow the identification of the user. In any case, the user can refuse or prohibit the installation of these cookies by modifying teh configuration of his navigator. CETRONIC does not use spamming techniques and only handles the data that the user transmits via the provided electronic forms in this web site or in email messages. In case of doubt or disagreement concerning our privacy policy and protection of personal information, the user can contact us by addressing CETRONIC S.L., C/ Palomar 22 Bajo 15004 A Coruña, Spain The treatment of personal information as well as the sending of commercial communications by electronic means are in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 dated 13 December, of Protection of Personal Information (Ley Org?nica de Protecci?n de Datos de Caracter Personal) (Official State Bulletin [BOE] dated 14 December 1999) and Law 34/2002 of Services to the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce (Official State Bulletin [BOE] dated 12 June, 2002)..

8. Modification of the present privacy policy

CETRONIC reserves the right to modify the present policy to adapt it to future legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as to industry practices, with prior indication to users of the changes that will be made.

Cetronic S.L. C/ Palomar 22 Bajo, 15004 A Coruña Registro Mercantil de La Coruña, Tomo 241, Libro 45, Seccion 2, Folio 140, Hoja 843, Inscripcion 1. C.I.F: B-15.033.061